Tides and Textures, Waves and Wanderings...

Inspiration Outside the Studio...


  Nature is so simple and so complex in itself, I wonder how to meet and match it in my own way.  I strive to master my skills at the same levels to carry across the same essence....

Spinning and spinning...

Spinning my wheels in Alpacaland... Been here a week and have one spool done...more than enough yet to go...
...and I'm still working on the one bag from my previous visit...

It's a change of pace from the Studio & Gallery.  I see so many possibilities...but not enough time in the day(s).  It's like being surrounded by fortune, but not knowing how to use it.  Sometimes it's more than you need as well.  One day at a time.  This is supposed to be vacation as well, after all.  So the wheels keep on turning...

Old & New

The year ended and I finished off 2 looms.  I'm ready to start the new year with new projects and new ideas.  I've set the recent batch of scarves to soak and wash this morning.  Day off? Sure.  When I get back to the studio tomorrow,  I will turn my thoughts towards re-setting the looms for some orders.  The yarn just came and there are samples to be made.  Soon I will be off for annual break, much needed after a long year of constant retail work in the gallery, moving locations, and production in the studio.  I feel good about the last year and have hopes for the coming one.  "All will be revealed." Onward, upward, and outward.  Forward and toward...2011.